On the 26th May 2017, the children and staff of Sinethemba Special Care Centre visited Bhongolethu Foundation in Fish Hoek.

Bhongolethu foundation is a daycare centre based near Fish Eagle Park.  The children of Bhongolethu were so welcoming to our children and it was a really special and interactive day for both day care centres.  The children played, sang songs and danced around. It was amazing to see the way the children of Bhongolethu took the time to meet and talk to all the children of Sinethemba.  My favourite comment from one of the children was when he turned to me and said “Charlie is my brother”.  It was wonderful to see the interaction and acceptance that all the children had with each other.

I want to extend a huge thank you to Tyler and her team at Bhongolethu for having us on the day and making us all feel so welcome.

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