Goodbye to our Friend

Goodbye to our Friend

It is with great sadness that we need to share that Valerie Bull, the Association’s Cook/Cleaner, passed away on 13 June 2023. Valerie was appointed in 2008 and a soon became a big part of the Sinethemba family. She was a force to be reckoned with, strong willed and...
Hot Chocolate to warm the body

Hot Chocolate to warm the body

Sinethemba was blessed with a wonderful donation of groceries during the last term. Amongst this donation, was a huge tub of Hot Chocolate. This was the highlight of our children’s Friday’s. As part of their class activity , they were able to make and have...
Pamper Day for the Young Ladies

Pamper Day for the Young Ladies

On the 15th of June 2023, Chantel, a hairstylist based in our community came in to donate some time and give the girls in our young adult class some new hairstyles. The ladies were so excited to be treated to this experience and left school looking like the...
Winter Warmth from the Clothing Guild

Winter Warmth from the Clothing Guild

On the 17th May 2023, we received an amazing donation from the Clothing Guild. This donation consisted of warm clothes and blankets for the children and Adult Group of Sinethemba. Every year, the Clothing Guild donate clothes and blankets which are of a great need to...
Red Cross Outreach 2023

Red Cross Outreach 2023

Our first Red Cross Outreach Day for this year happened on the 11th May 2023. We arranged for our Cerebral Palsy children, their seating devices and their parents to be transported to Red Cross Children’s Hospital. The children are seen to by a doctor to assess...