On the 18th March 2020, Sinethemba closed for the Covid-19 lockdown period. This was indeed a scary thought for us knowing the circumstances of our children’s families of which many live hand to mouth. We decided that we needed to do something to help where we could.

After trying all the toll free numbers and trying to get our children onto lists to receive parcels and not having much luck. We received an anonymous donation which we put towards making up our own food parcels. The Association put in the remainder of the money from the running costs which we were saving by being in lock down.

The process started on Tuesday morning (21st April 2020) when we were in the wonderful position to inform Pick and Pay that we would be receiving a financial donation and that the Association would therefore like to go ahead with ordering the contents of 60 food parcels. Pick and Pay confirmed that they would be prepared to pack the 60 food parcels and that they would deliver them to Sinethemba. The food parcels were prepared and delivered on Friday (24th April 2020) at 9am to Sinethemba.

We were very grateful that both the Association’s drivers agreed to assist with the delivery of the food parcels and that one of our supervisors agreed to receive the food parcels at Sinethemba on Friday morning. She managed the distribution of food parcels directly to the families from there. ADT provided a car at the centre to ensure that everything ran safely.

From there the food parcels were distributed by the Association’s drivers. One driver delivered to Ocean View, Masiphumelele, Redhill and Kommetjie, our second driver delivered in Fish Hoek and Hout Bay. Each parcel was only handed over once a signature of a parent / carer of the Sinethemba child was obtained. The process ran very smoothly and the staff were met by grateful parents, overjoyed when receiving this substantial food parcel. I am grateful to report that there was no incidents of violence and the Association’s vehicles, clearly identifiable with the Association’s logo and contact details were allowed to distribute the food parcels hassle free. Our parent’s whatsapp group overflowed with messages of thanks and appreciation. Our hearts overflowed knowing that our children would not go to bed hungry that night nor the next night or the night after.

We are truly grateful to the Anonymous donor, Pick ‘n Pay and ADT for helping us to make this possible. We hope to see all of our children again soon when we are able to open our doors safely.